Coastal adaptation plan
︎Massachusetts, USA
Completed : May 2019
For : Department of City and Regional Planning (CRP) at Cornell University
In collaboration with Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), Massachusetts
Notes : awarded American Planning Association (APA) student project award 2019
Full Report here︎︎︎
This award-winning term project was the results of an applied workshop based in the context of Hull, Hingham, and Cohasset, three coastal towns located south of the City of Boston, Massachusetts. Emerging out of a growing concern about climate change impacts, the project aimed to conduct vulnerability assessments and evaluate fiscal and land use options for coastal adaptation for three towns, parts of which are projected to chronically inundated in the next few decades. We carried out background research, indepth discussions with local planners and developed a range of new methodologies to develop three feasible development scenarios for the years 2030, 2060 and 2100. The strategies proposed in this project were connected to the community’s goals, land use choices and fiscal impacts and drew from a various sources of qualtitative, quantitative and spatial data. Some of these included-tax parcel, topographic, municipal tax and FEMA data. All illustrations and maps are proprietary.